Friday, September 19, 2008

My Best Friend's Blog!

Wow! So I just got an email from my childhood best friend saying that she has just started a blog...I feel like I've started a revolution..LOL! Anyway, I love this girl sooo much and we have endured a lot together. She was the very first friend I ever remember having...and at this point it feels as if I've known her my entire life. While distance has tried hard to separate us we are still in contact. We grew up in Florida and I moved to Delaware when I was 14 ...when I came back at age 19...she had already married and moved to North Carolina. So it has been hard to keep tabs on each other...especially with her and her family on missionary depution.
So, anyway I am really looking forward to following her blog...I think it will help me feel a little closer to her!
Also...this girl is one spectacular up and coming photographer...I love her check it out. I know you'll love it!

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