Tuesday, July 1, 2008

mood: sad

This week we have to say goodbye to some dear friends of ours, of three years, from our church: Bro. Malcolm and Mrs. Vikki.
Back in October of 2003 Bro. Malcolm surrendered to the call to preach. Then for three and a half years he attended Bible School through correspondence and was ordained by our Pastor in January of 2007. Since then he has visited four Baptist churches in America, and spoken to many more in search of the one the Lord would have him to pastor. Then about two weeks ago, he let us know that the Lord had led him to a church in Tennessee. So on saturday they will be loading up their final belongings and begining the eight hour drive to their new home. I have to tell you that these two weeks have not been easy for me at all. To put it lightly: I will miss them tremendously! Yes, that is putting it lightly! Both of them have become very special to our family, and Mrs. Vikki is like a second mother to me. I guess I can take comfort in the fact that TN is close enough for vacation and my husband and I love that area anyway: now I love it even more (smile)! So tonight (wednesday) will be the last time we see them at our church (until they visit). And then after church they will come over for coffee: something they have done dozens of times, but tonight is the last time. Well, needless to say, I am not looking forward to any final goodbyes. This is going to be so hard! I'm going to need prayer!

A friend is the one who knows all about you, and still likes you.

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